Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Sunday, October 29, 2006

On TV this morning I heard that the Democrat's plan for the upcoming election is to say nothing. That makes sense to me. If the Democrats told people what they want to do, they would be certain to lose.

I guess the "say nothing" plan is for local elections, because Nancy Pelosi has talked about what she plans to do, though no details were given. She intends to
- raise taxes on the rich (but not on the middle class)
- put a "windfall profits" tax on oil companies (to force them to work on developing "alternative energy" sources: make them spend money on things they no nothing about instead of doing what they are good at, which is finding oil)
- change directions in Iraq (apparently that means leave)
- reduce drug prices (no details provided)
- make the US "energy independent" (without drilling for oil or building nuclear power plants)
- combat "global warming" (whether or not it is real: and make certain that the growing body of climatologists who don't agree with Al Gore on this are silenced)
- negotiate directly with Iran and North Korea on their nuclear weapons programs (even though we know that neither of them will negotiate in good faith).
- increase the minimum wage (may cost some jobs, but who cares)
- start Bush impeachment process (it's a waste of time, but payback feels good).


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