Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Democrats claim they are going to eliminate the "culture of corruption" in Congress. They are going to do this by putting a member under investigation by the FBI for a large number of criminal acts in charge of oversight of the FBI. From that position he should be able to stop the FBI from investigating him. That should take care of the corruption issue. But, probably not since he wouldn't want to stop investigation of Republicans, and in fact, probably wants to start a series of witch hunts involving Republicans.


Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

Its the Dems way to avoid governing. Every time they get power they spend it having long useless investigations. That way they are insulated from failure. they really have no idea how to do their jobs. Their one and only idea is to take money from hard working Amricans to give it to those that don't work. That's it.

12:23 PM  

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