Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Sunday, January 14, 2007

What are the fundamental differences between conservatives and liberals? In America the conservatives are usually identified as favoring individualism while liberals favor collectivism. The conservatives are also stronger in supporting property rights than are the liberals. The Republican Party is generally more closely associated with the conservatives and the Democratic Party is more closely associated with liberals. Given these approximate differences, there is an interesting question as to why there are more rich Democrats in Congress than Republicans (and why more rich people run for office as Democrats than as Republicans). One reason could be that rich people want regulations that favor the status quo, and Democrats are more likely to support enacting government regulations than Republicans. (Over one hundred years ago the German industrialist Krupp was asked what he wanted from government; his one-word answer, "Regulation.") Many rich Americans like Senators Kennedy and Kerry seem to favor a European-style socialism in which people are stratified by class; the rich remain rich and no rivals to their riches can develop. No up-starts like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates can upset the applecart for IBM and other prominent companies. This is the current situation in France. Economic progress is slow, but the right people remain in control and the peasants are pacified. Another answer may be that the rich people want to co-opt the far-left by securing a leadership position with the would-be socialists, from where they can do a better job of preventing government from damaging them than they could in the opposition Republican Party. I think some of those on the far left think the latter reason is the most likely answer. They don't particularly like the rich, but they can't bring themselves to forego the money from the likes of Soros and movie stars.


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