Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Regardless of what one thinks about Anthropogenic Global Warming , it must be acknowledged that carbon trading is one of the biggest scams in history. (It does let Laurie David, Al Gore, the guy from the movie Titanic, and others proclaim that they are "carbon neutral." The Kyoto Treaty is about two things: destroying the economy of the US, and making money without producing anything. Here is an excerpt of an inteview with a Russian carbon trader from the blog "Freezerbox."

The Bored Whore of Kyoto


Nothing drove home Russia's place in the growing pollution-trading business better than what one carbon finance guy told me at a conference last month sponsored by Gazprom and the World Bank. We were on drink number three or four at the reception when he dropped the green pretense and came clean.

"I don't know if climate change is caused by burning coal or sun flares or what," said the Moscow-based carbon cowboy. "And I don't really give a shit. Russia is the most energy inefficient country around, and carbon is the most volatile market ever. There's a lot of opportunity to make money."


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