Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Monday, July 30, 2007

Back on July 17 I wrote a blog about a letter Michael Eckhart of ACORE wrote to Marlo Lewis of CEI seeming to threaten to destroy Mr. Lewis' reputation if he doesn't stop denying that Global Warming is a severe threat to humanity. I'm amazed that Mr. Eckhart wrote a comment to my blog. Mr. Eckhart appears to be a true believer in James Hanson's view of Global Warming; I don't know whether or not Mr. Eckhart has a scientific background. I'll write a response explaining why I have had doubts about James Hanson's predictions for about 30 years now after I complete the proposal to NAVAIR that I'm working on. At this date one good reason is that the predictions of 30 years ago have not come true. (By the way, it is not that I don't believe that man has affected climate, it's just that I don't believe the CO2 run-away temperature hypothesis for a variety of reasons.)


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