Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Take a look at this interview of Hirsi Ali by a Canadian named Avi Lewis.

She makes this guy look like a clown, which, since he is part of the MSM in a far left country, he probably is. Lewis does not have a clue about what society is like in America even though he lives close by. He must get his information from Democrat talking points, and apparently doesn't realize that the Democrats know they are not true. He is another liberal who, like Rosie O'Donnell, thinks fundamental Christians are a bigger threat than Muslims. A point of interest that should be noticed is that in Holland Hirsi Ali was a member of the "right wing" Liberal Party. In Europe people who favor individual rights above the interests of society as a whole are Liberals: in the US those people are "consevatives."


Blogger Navigator said...

This interview was conducted on the CBC (the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation), which we Canadians of the other persuasion (right side) lovingly call, the Communist Broadcasting Corporation. Avi Lewis, the interviewer, is the son of two prominent hugely left wing politicos, from a long line of such people. The entire family are all rabid anti-American jerks -- the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

I never watch the CBC, so it is a good thing that I read your blog. I would have missed this interview and I love this Somalian woman. I read her last book, Infidel, and now every member of my family and all my friends have read it, after I talked about it. They were all impressed.

7:15 PM  

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