Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Sunday, September 23, 2007

There are a lot of articles now about how James Hansen was predicting a new ice age back in 1971. That was the consensus opinion back then. Belief in cataclysmic climate change seems to be more a matter of a person's psychological makeup than science. Of course the current global warming hysteria doesn't qualify as science in any matter. My guess is that, for the most part, the climatologists who believed in the imminent emergence of a new ice age back then are the ones who believe in the global warming hypothesis now, and the skeptics then are skeptics now. It's pretty much a matter of the difference in the mindsets of conservatives and liberals. Liberals see the global warming predictions as an opportunity to impose central planning on global scale; something they wanted long before the emergence of the catastophic global warmng theory.


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