Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Monday, November 12, 2007

Here is a letter I sent the Ft. Worth Star-Telegram today.

In a letter printed in the Star Telegram on 11 November Mr. Preston Faggart complains that people tell him they don’t like Hillary Clinton, but can’t cite any reason why. I don’t like her, and have a lot of reasons based on what she says and has done. Here are some reasons in no particular order:

- She is opposed to free trade

- She was a disciple of Saul Alinsky, and in her career has followed the advice in his book “Rules for Radicals,” particularly to destroy opponents with personal attacks (such as, Paula Jones is trailer trash)

- She once worked for the Communist Party, which was not illegal, and which she had every right to do, and for which I have every right to not support her.

- She believes in central planning of the economy, and is opposed to free market capitalism

- She bears false witness against those who are inconvenient for her, such as women her husband had affairs with and the head of the travel office in the White House (who’s job she wanted to give to a friend)

- She is a collectivist. She states that she would like to confiscate the profits of oil companies. She says she needs more money for the programs she favors, and she plans to take it from us

- She is opposed to freedom of speech as indicated by a desire to re-institute the misnamed “fairness doctrine” to put people like Rush Limbaugh and other conservative talk show hosts off of the radio

- She has hired private investigators to intimidate women her husband was associated with, and to record phone conversations of her opponents. One investigator was named Pellicano; as I recall he was in trouble for illegally recording phone conversations. I saw one of the private investigators interviewed on TV. He denied that they intimidated anyone, but admitted that they did visit people on behalf of Mrs. Clinton. Personally I think such a visit could reasonably be interpreted as intimidation.

I can see that socialists, communists, and so-called liberals would like Mrs. Clinton, and that those of us who are free market capitalists would not. At this point she appears to be a fascist; that is a socialist who gains control of the economy by co-opting owners of large business enterprises rather than having the state assume ownership. (Democrats often call Republicans fascists; apparently not realizing that fascists are socialists; Mussolini and Hitler were socialists.)


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