Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Today on TV, I've forgotten if it was Fox or CNBC, I saw a hurricane expert say that global warming with warmer oceans is reducing the number and severity of hurricanes that hit the East Coast of America. He provided a technical explanation for this. I recall that when hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans a few years ago Al Gore and others blamed global warming in general, and George Bush in particular because he hadn't ratified the Kyoto Treaty. At the time I pointed out that history did not support the proposition that warming caused more and more severe hurricanes. In fact, as documented in the book "The Little Ice Age" severe weather events were more prevalent as the Earth cooled than in warmer periods.

Similarly, global warming is blamed by some for the snowstorm that trapped many motorists on Interstate 5 north of Los Angeles. Back when I lived in LA during the 50's I don't recall there ever being snow in that area. Global warming is also being blamed for the unusually large number of people that have been killed in avalanches this year. Allegedly the warming has made the snow unstable. Experts say the reason is that it has been unusually cold with a lot of snow.


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