Here are some more of Barack Obama's thoughts about how he will govern from a victory speech in Baltimore.
"We are going to cap the greenhouse gases that cause global warming,” he told his audience in Baltimore. “We are going to take some of the money that’s generated from fining polluters, and we are going to spend billions of dollars on solar, wind and biodiesel. We will hire young people who don’t have a trade and give them a trade making homes more energy efficient, insulating homes, changing light bulbs, reducing our dependence on dirty power plants." I didn't realize that there were billions of dollars in fines being collected from corporations. Obama must have in mind so new draconian regulations that he plans on implementing. Apparently he plans on Southers sweating without AC and Yankees shivering in the dark after he stops power generation to prevent greenhouse gas release. It would be good if he would spell his plans out in more detail. That would be a good question to ask him in a Presidential candidate debate.
Obama also mentioned Exxon Corporation's record profits that were just announced and said "It's going to be hard for them to give up those profits." Apparently he, like Hillary, plans on taking away Exxon's profits. That sounds a lot like Hugo Chavez. He must know that a lot of elderly people depend on dividends from Exxon and other companies. He probably expects to make up some of their loses with a dole, making them dependent on the government; that will make them vote Democrat. I think there is no doubt that Obama is a fascist, just like Hillary Clinton.
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