The NASA Aqua satellite launched in 2002 to obtain data on climate indicates that as water vapor increases in the atmosphere more clouds form. This is according to Dr. Roy Spencer. The clouds reflect sunlight having the effect of cooling the earth. Thus increasing water vapor is a negative feedback rather than a positive feedback as assumed in all of the IPCC's Global Circulation Models. (An assumption has to be made since the models do not acurately predict cloud behavior.)
The 3000 Argo buoys were launched in 2003 to get ocean data, including temperature to a depth of over 6000 feet. According to Josh Willis of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the data from Argo indicate that ocean temperatures are declining slightly. This is not possible according to the greenhouse gas global warming hypothesis, so the believers are trying to figure out what is wrong with the data (as they should). They also have their "spin doctors" out trying to obfuscate the issue.
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