Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Monday, April 21, 2008

I have noticed for some time now that the people who identify as "environmentalists" are more interested in political power than in nature. The environmentalists seem more interested in controlling people's lives and in advancing collectivism than in careful study of how to best proceed to balance mankind with nature. I had a friend who worked for EPA. He found an error (actually a common error made in numerical analysis of plumes) in an analysis that showed a plant was in violation of clean air regulations. It turned out the plant was not actually in violation. He informed the local EPA leader, a lawyer, who was unimpressed. He said they already had a consent decree, and were shutting the plant down anyway. His view was that emissions at any level were harmful, and he didn't really care what the true situation was. Others have noticed this. Here is an article about some of the errors the environmentalists have made.


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