Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Friday, May 02, 2008

The Democrats want to burden us with socialized medicine similar to what England has. Here is an article I got from Kim du Toit's blog:

(Note: in England political asylum seekers are taken care of by the government until their case is resolved, which usually takes five years. This story is about asylum seekers who are trying to sneak out of England.)

Failed asylum seekers are sneaking out of Britain – because they are fed up with the state of our public services, according to immigration staff.

Les Williams, a chief immigration officer for the UK Border Agency, said that he and his team have collared scores of illegal immigrants trying to break past border controls in recent weeks.

He said that of those caught, most have said that the lack of sunshine and bad healthcare from the NHS were the main reasons why they wanted to get out of the UK.
Mr Williams, a Kent-based chief immigration officer for the UK Border Agency, said: “One thing we have noticed recently is people trying to leave the country.”

He told Police Review magazine: “We cannot explain exactly why they are trying to go but when some of these people were questioned, they said they wanted to go to a warmer country as they are fed up with the English weather and fed up with their treatment on the NHS.”


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