Liberals complain a lot about excessive government powers that they allege Bush has assumed. They can't find anyone Bush has mistreated, but that doesn't matter. I think the real fear is for when a Democrat is in the Whitehouse. They have a record of using the Secret Service, the FBI, and the IRS to intimidate their political opponents. If a Republican used the power of the government against individuals in the way JFK, LBJ, and Clinton did the outcry would be tremendous. (In fairness, Nixon used the government against Democrats, who he thought were traitors, and Truman and Carter did not use power against individuals.) But when Clinton did it after the Nixon era increased sensitivity to it, Democrats defended him. Canada has an example of what Liberals favor in their Canadian Human Rights Commission. This is a kangaroo court that enforces politically correct speech. The truth is not a defense in that court. Liberal Canadians say that freedom of speech is a quaint American idea. Liberals in America would love to have their own version of the Canadian Human Rights Commission. I expect a serious attack on freedom of speech in the USA if Obama is elected President, or if Democrats get a veto proof majority in Congress. (The foregoing is enough to get me in trouble if I ever venture into Canada again.) Here is a discussion of the Canadian Human Rights Commission, something not enough Americans are aware of:
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