Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Sunday, July 13, 2008

You are probably aware that the earth's temperature is not following the upward trend predicted back in 1988 by James Hansen and others. You should be aware of the efforts of those who support the idea of CO2 induced climate disaster to put the best face on the current data. Both current candidates for President have bought into the apocalyptic global warming hypothesis, and promise to undertake draconian measures that will destroy the standard of living of the USA, and reduce the power of the USA compared to countries with wiser leaders such as China, Russia, and India. The public should be interested in knowing that the basis for the attack on fossil fuels is eroding. Here is an article detailing the efforts of the Hadley Research Center to spin current temperature trends. (The temperature monitoring agency mentioned in the article that is fudging the data is James Hansen's NASA/GISS, whose data has diverged from the other three major temperature measuring groups. Hansen is, of course, a Democratic Party activist, and has received major monetary grants from Mrs. John Kerry's foundation. Hansen has recently told Congress that people who disagree with him should be put on trial for crimes against humanity; that seems a curious position for one supposed to be dedicated to science and the discovery of truth.)


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