The United Nations is fundamentally a corrupt organization that is now primarily a debating society for third world dictators. Bashing the United States is the favorite passtime of the members. Maurice Strong, the mysterious Canadian billionaire socialist and UN mover and shaker, had the goal of destroying modern civilization, at least that is what he said when he started the IPCC back in1992. The goal of the IPCC was not to study climate change, something that has always happened throughout the history of the world, but rather to prove that mankind was causing climate change. The IPCC adopted procedures that were in no way scientific, and managed to get the message out to governments that man, primarily through CO2 emissions, was about to destroy the world. Their only possible solution was to stop use of fossil fuels, no other solution was acceptable or was even worthy of consideration. At first, when the claim was made that CO2 was causing the average temperature of the earth to go up, other scientists didn't pay much attention. After all, they knew that CO2 was a greenhouse gas, so it could cause air tempoerature to rise. And, they were fortunate in that there was a natural temperature increase underway. Now that natural temperature increase has ended, and cooling is happening, and scientists are suddenly realizing the extent to which the IPCC is trying to impose destructive policies on the west (the east is pretty much ignoring the situation, except to encourage the west to proceed full speed ahead). Now scientists are beginning to look at the IPCC process, and many of them are appalled. THe IPCC conducts ad hominem attacks on all who disagree with them, but the IPCC itself is rife with cronyism. Here is an article on some of the problemms with the IPCC.
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