Democrats have long had the operating premise that they are the legitimate governors of the United States, and that Republicans cannot ever be legitimately in charge. The disputed election of 2000, in which Al Gore failed in his attempt to steal the election, only reinforced the this view. As a result of this worldview, Democrats were comfortable engaging in what otherwise might be considered traitorous activities, such as the damage they did to the US war effort in Iraq in order to gain internal political advantage. It can be seen Nancy Pelosi's meeting with the Assad, dictator of Syria, and in Barack Obama's recent trip to Iraq and Afghanistan in which he attempted to undermine the Bush Administration. Here is an article about Obama's duplicitous activities in Iraq. (I think even liberals would have to admit that the Democrat leaders were committed to defeat for the US in Iraq, though now with victory clearly possible, they would like to string things out until they can claim they turned defeat into victory; in their view it is essential that George Bush be denied victory.)
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