I have watched the MSM today as they trashed Sarah Palin. It is curious to me that no one discussed any of the really silly things Joe Biden said. He said, for example, that we have only spent as much money in the entire war in Afghanistan as we spend in Iraq in one month. That is clearly a ridiculous statement. Actually about one-fourth as much has been spent in Afghanistan as in Iraq. There is also the matter of how much is being spent in Iraq. The average is about $6 billion per month, not $10 billion. (And, that $6 billion is not the marginal cost. Most of those soldiers would be in the army somewhere if they were not in Iraq.) Then there was that curious comment about Bush letting Hezbollah back into Lebanon after the US and France had kicked them out. What was he talking about? It don't recall that ever happening. As I recall, Hezbollah kicked us out of Lebanon when Reagan was President. Instead of analyzing what Biden said, the MSM said he was confident and had a command of the facts. I wonder if they even knew that what he said was factually incorrect. They certainly didn't care.
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