Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Monday, December 22, 2008

We have to accept the fact that the United States has become a socialist nation, and it has happened with a Republican still in the White House. The difference between capitalist societies and socialists has to do with how failure is treated. Capitalism is successful because failures allowed go out of business and are replaced by new competent organizations. But, in socialist countries failures are propped up by the government. The same old incompetent bureaucracy is kept in power. People who are rich and powerful maintain their position by government fiat, regardless of whether or not they are competent. The rich leaders of large companies and institutions become fascists; they cede control to government in order to have their own position secured. In Europe the 50 largest companies from 50 years ago are mostly still the largest companies now. In the US most of the 50 largest companies didn't exist 50 years ago. Europe has people frozen in classes; there is little social mobility. As we bail out the large companies that are failing, we are now going to have a European style economy where the incompetent can't fail. Eventually the entire system becomes incompetent.


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