Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Sunday, January 04, 2009

The Democrats tend to believe in a government of men rather than a government of laws. Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats have no legal basis for not seating the Governor of Illinois's appointment to fill Obama's seat, yet they are attempting to do it. On the other hand there is good reason not to seat Al Franken based on the irregularities of the election in Minnesota. It seems odd to me, for example, that the recount of votes in heavily Democratic precincts is what increases the Democrat vote total. A cynic might say that is because that is where the Democrats can get their hands on the ballots with limited oversight. It is also odd that in all election recounts, the Democrats vote total always goes up. In the 2000 election Gore lost when the Supreme Court ruled that all precincts had to be recounted with the same rules. That was not done in Minnesota this time, and the Democrats are opposed to doing that.


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