Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Obama is moving rapidly to funnel billions of dollars to his labor unions and Acorn supporters. The blog Strata Sphere is concerned that Obama is starting a civil war. There is no doubt that Obama and the Democrats are moving to put the traditionally non-partisan government institutions firmly under the control of Obama.

The socialists are definitely running the nuthouse in DC. President Obama, in the middle of the worst recession in a couple of decades (not the Great Depression as the President likes to exaggerate) has decided to destroy the construction industry by blocking 84% of the companies from the money in the stimulus pork-a-thon package:

Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) today denounced an Executive Order signed by President Obama that repeals Executive Order 13202, that prohibited federal agencies and recipients of federal funding from requiring contractors to sign union-only project labor agreements (PLAs) as a condition of performing work on federal and federally funded construction projects.

“Today’s decision to repeal Executive Order 13202 opens the door to waste and discrimination in federal and federally funded construction contracts,” said ABC President and CEO Kirk Pickerel. “This action removes the safeguards that prohibited discrimination based upon union affiliation in the awarding of federal contracts.

This allows the socialists to funnel the stimulus money to union-only companies, which is that small 15% owned and controlled by the mob and their liberal allies.

Between this act and the grabbing of the US Census to now be controlled by the President it is becoming clear the liberals will only share in the stimulus if the American People declare fealty to their party. The great socialist civil war is beginning by a blatant and crude grab for power and federal money.


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