Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Today I read in the newspaper that Obama had a tremendous achievement in getting his pork-laden spending bill passed. Then, I saw the Democratic Party spinners on TV saying the same thing; they were spinning so hard that they must have gotten dizzy. They kept saying that people had predicted that Obama would not be able to get the bill through. I guess I'm getting old and senile because this has only been in discussion for two weeks, and I don't recall anyone saying that it would be difficult for the Democrats to get the bill passed. They have a solid majority in the House and in the Senate they only need two Republicans, which is easy since Senators Collins, Snowe, and Specter are liberals who were going to go along with whatever Obama wanted. Then, Obama turned writing the bill over to the Democrats in the House and Senate, with no opportunity for input from Republicans, whose votes they didn't need anyway. In the end, the only debate that happened was between House and Senate Democrats. Finally, 'the most transparent Administration in history' passed the bill without allowing time for the public to read it (which had been promised by Obama), and without allowing time for the the Congress people voting on it to read it. This was classic legislative steamroller tactics. And Democrats are trying to create mythology about how wonderful this was as it was happening. Apparently the public is willing to buy whatever Obama is selling even as it apparent that he is making it up as he goes.


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