Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Monday, February 23, 2009

Under Bill Clinton the United States Federal Government used deadly police action against citizens with whom they disagreed. At Waco and Ruby Ridge they killed people with clearly criminal action. Then there was the case of Elian Gonzalez. If Bush had conducted such activities, Liberals would have gone berserk. But, since a Democrat was infringing on Constitutional rights, they applauded. Here is a comment by someone else who sees the situation as I do:

"Mark Alexander ended his essay, 'Obama vs. Reagan,' by saying, '...or another unpleasantry like that one begun in 1776, the discussion of which has now entered mainstream conversations, albeit at a whisper.' Let me be one of the first to speak above a whisper. The United States, as a federal republic, and our beloved Constitution are dead, and they cannot be easily restored under current conditions. In my humble opinion, I think the U.S. died when Clinton's thugs ripped Elian Gonzales from Liberty's arms at gunpoint and sent him back to a gulag, and the body has just been twitching ever since. With Obama and his Leftists now firmly in control, the body isn't even twitching anymore, and it's now being buried. 'That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government...' When and where does the next Continental Congress meet? I'm there, and I'm serious." --Odenton, Maryland


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