I see indications that the Obama Administration is beginning to use fascist techniques to control the population. About six weeks ago I wrote a lot about the catastrophic anthropogenic global warming hypothesis, and how recent data does not support it. Then I got a notice that this blog had been identified as a potential spam site. Today I read in Dissecting Leftism about another blog that got the same notice after writing critically about the Obama Administration's AGW legislation. Here is that notice, which is identical to the one I got:
Hello, Your blog at: http://hallofrecord.blogspot.com/ has been identified as a potential spam blog. To correct this, please request a review by filling out the form at [link]. Your blog will be deleted in 20 days if it isn't reviewed, and your readers will see a warning page during this time. After we receive your request, we'll review your blog and unlock it within two business days. Once we have reviewed and determined your blog is not spam, the blog will be unlocked and the message in your Blogger dashboard will no longer be displayed. If this blog doesn't belong to you, you don't have to do anything, and any other blogs you may have won't be affected. We find spam by using an automated classifier. Automatic spam detection is inherently fuzzy, and occasionally a blog like yours is flagged incorrectly. We sincerely apologize for this error. By using this kind of system, however, we can dedicate more storage, bandwidth, and engineering resources to bloggers like you instead of to spammers. For more information, please see Blogger Help: http://help.blogger.com/bin/answer.py?answer=42577 Thank you for your understanding and for your help with our spam-fighting efforts. Sincerely, The Blogger Team
Back during the Clinton Administration there were a lot of examples of Federal Agents taking unwarranted lethal action. Waco and Ruby Ridge are two examples where Clinton took action to intimidate the hated "right-wingers." (For those who didn't follow the Congressional hearings that revealed the incompetence of the Clinton Administration, the Texas Rangers testified that, if the Federal Government had asked them to arrest David Koresh, they could have done it without bloodshed. But, of course the Clinton Administration wanted bloodshed to provide an example.) The force used in the Elian Gonzalez case was also unwarranted. Does anyone recall a similar situation to either Waco or Ruby Ridge under Bush? Bush was accused by Liberals of attempting a fascist takeover of the government, but I don't know of any case where he ordered Federal agents to use force in the way Democrats routinely do. Another case of Liberal projection. I predicted that Obama would resume Clinton's practice of unnecessary and excessive force against groups Democrats don't like. Here is an example of how the Obama Administration deals with right-wing zealots. The 2010 election will be critical; if the Republicans do not make at least a partial comeback, then the Obama Administration will be increasingly heavy-handed, and will increasingly suspend civil rights such as freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. Obama is basically an African. Robert Mugabe is the model for how Obama will eventually govern if Democrats are not voted down.
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