Liberal Democrats do not like to hear Obama's policies described as socialism, and they deny that Obama's taking control of banks and the auto industry amounts to nationalization. Obama says he doesn't want to run banks or auto companies, but he clearly does not want to relinquish his control over banks as indicated by refusal to allow them to return government bailout money. After all, his control of the banks makes it easier for him to roll over bondholders, confiscating their property without due process, and taking over auto companies. Democrats say that Obama will only control things until the economy improves. I doubt that. Obama operates as a Chicago-style politician, so he will use his control to reward supporters and punish opponents. I expect that he will soon take control of more of the means of production in the US. I would think oil companies would be high on his nationalization list. Obama wants to get his socialist agenda through Congress quickly so he can start concentrating on the 2010 election. He needs to have an election success that year in order to solidify his gains. If he loses control of Congress in 2010 then his plan to turn the US into a socialistic fascist state will be jeopardized. If he can win in 2010 then when his failure in running the businesses he has nationalized becomes obvious to voters it will not matter because he will have total control by the 2014 election. Of course Democrats expect that Americans will eagerly buy the cute little "green" cars that Obama will produce. Jennifer Rubin has doubts.
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