I agree with Wolla Dalbo's assessment of Barack Obama that was posted in the Neo Neocon blog. I think Obama is something we have not seem before, and that he is bad for America. I am torn between Obama being best represented as The Manchurian Candidate, or as Chance the Gardner from the novel and movie Being There. The first would be a case in which he is evil, deliberately damaging America, while the second would be a case where he is a smooth talking know nothing who does damage inadvertently. Part of the reason for my having this feeling is that he is a manufactured man. His past is not revealed. It is beginning to come out that he was quite radical as a young man. He really had no actual achievements in his background. He was sponsored early in his life by dedicated enemies of the United States; both Muslims and communists. His advance in politics was also aided by Chicago thugs and thuggish political dirty tricks to eliminate his rivals. Like Neo Neocon, I think that we have only one chance, and that is to vote Democrats out of office in 2010. If I am wrong about Obama, there is really no loss if Democrats lose control of Congress. But, if I am right, then liberty in America could be lost forever. Throughout history Republics have eventually devolved into dictatorships after civil war. So, that will most likely happen here at some time. I think we should try to forestall it as long as possible.
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