Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Monday, July 06, 2009

Most people in America like their current healthcare situation. Democrats say that there are 45 million people who are uninsured (a figure that includes 10 or 12 million illegal aliens, many people who can afford health insurance but don't want to buy it, many people who are temporarily without insurance because of job change, and some people who either can't afford it or have pre-existing conditions that prevent them getting insurance). Democrats say that the cost of health insurance is increasing at an unsustainable rate, and is the cause the the current financial crisis. They propose to cure this problem with some sort of law, as yet not defined, that will bring insurance to most people, and will bring healthcare costs under control. Doing this will cost $1.6 trillion over 10 years (an average of $160 billion per year). It is not clear how spending an additional $1.6 trillion gets costs under control. As the details emerge, it appears that they are offering Americans who are satisfied with their healthcare poorer care because of rationing and less choice at higher cost. One would think that most people would not think it is a good deal. One thought I had on reading about this: why not just use the $160 billion per year to buy insurance for the 45 million uninsured people. That sum would provide $3500 per uninsured person, which is enough to get them a good group policy. The Democrats also are saying that one way to get costs under control is to just let old people die instead of treating them. It will be interesting to see if they can sell that, or if they can just have a cram down.


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