Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Here is an article discussing the war between the West and Islam.

I agree with the article regarding the error of George Bush's view that all people desire democracy. I think that it may be that the majority of Arab Mslims would like to live in a democracy. But, Islam is a political as well as a religious sect that is not compatible with democracy. There is a large group of Arab Muslims who are willing to die to advance Islam. This group is violent and ruthless and totally intimidates any moderate Muslims.

I have always thought that Bush's attempt to spread democracy into the Middle East would fail while, at the same time, I was hoping it would succeed. If it fails then I fear that Stanley Kurtz's prediction in the above article will eventually happen. The West no longer has the political will to do what neeeds to be done, which I think is to totally destroy the governments of Iran and Syria as soon as possible. This will result in a significant loss of life, but much less than will occur in the nuclear war that will eventually happen if we continue to do nothing. The US would have to pretty much take action alone, because European Civilization no longer has the will to survive. And, there are many in the US who despise America and don't think we deserve to survive. (Think of Noam Chomski, for example.) I continue to believe that our failure to take the fight to Islam with all of the forces required to win now will lead to a major World War within a few years. The Islamists are implacable, and our only hope is to destroy them before they become strong enough to destroy us.


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