Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Saturday, August 05, 2006

It is interesting to me that Muslims were openly discussing their plan for taking over Britain back in the early 90's. They realize they can't take over the West by military action, so they plan to infiltrate. They are now in the second phase of their plan in which they begin to demand autonomy over certain areas including imposition of shar'ia law. All of Europe now faces the problem of Muslim immigrants who do not wish to be assimilated into the existing culture. It is even a problem in Sweden where there are signs in certain areas warning "whites" not to enter. And gangs of Muslims are raping girls who don't conform to the Islamists dress code. The Swedes, being such nice people, do not severly punish the boys involved, if they punish them at all. (Rape seems to be a favored activity of Muslim youth.) The European nations are now experiencing a lot of "honor killings." Muslims have to kill their sister if she has the misfortune to be raped to save the family "honor." The Muslims have a "shame" culture as opposed to our "guilt" culture. This was discussed by Dr. Santy recently (in the blog "Dr. Sanity"). (If you don't read Dr. Sanity, you should. She was a flight surgeon at NASA, and apparently was a Democrat until she meet Reagan after the Challenger disaster.) The point is that Muslims are not motivated by guilt over their actions. They can commit any crime, and if no one knows, it doesn't matter. I ran into this when I was a graduate student teaching engineering courses. Taking this further, it doesn't matter if people know about your crime if they approve. Thus it is acceptable to kill your suister who was raped since the community will applaud your action. In our society the brother might kill the rapist.


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