Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Hillary Clinton says she is in the race for President, and she is "in it to win." I wonder if any of the potential candidates will announce that they are in to lose? Her comment is too subtle for me. I don't understand it.

Hillary also says she is going to "listen" to people. During the recent confirmation hearings for General Petraeus she spoke for her entire allotted time, and didn't ask even one question. I guess that, like Joe Biden, she likes to listen to herself.


Blogger -bRad said...

To me, Hillary Clinton is not much more than an intelligent whore. She allowed her husband to humiliate her on national television in front of millions of people. She stood by him for all those years of his career, even prior to him being president, while he cheated on her.

For what? Her chance to be president. I don't see how that is any different than selling yourself to get what you want.

Aside from being a socialist, she is a very frightening woman. She is methodical and patient. I do not want to see her as president while the Democratic party controls congress.

10:09 AM  

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