Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Thursday, July 05, 2007

It has been reported that John Edwards pays $400 to get his hair cut. (He apparently thinks his hair is one of his best features becasue he talks about it a lot; in 2004 he said he and Kerry had better hair than Bush and Cheney.) Now it runs out that he has paid $1250 for a haircut. I am beginning to think that Edwards is right about there being two Americas; there is definitely a difference between his America and mine. (Edwards is a lawyer, so he doesn't actually pay for the haircuts himself; his campaign contributors pay.)


Blogger -bRad said...

Since I shave my head, I do it myself. On the rare occasion when I am out of town and can't do it I get upset if someone charges me more than $10 to do it.

In NYC it cost me over $30!!

In Bozeman I found a place that does it for $5.

I can't imagine paying, or that it's even worth, $400 to get your hair cut.

7:43 AM  

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