Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Politicians in Europe and the US do not want to identify Islamists as a threat to our way of life. They like to point out that not all terrorists are Muslims; the IRA, animal rights activists, and Timothy McVeigh are not Muslims. But, none of those groups want to impose a religion on the rest of us as the Islamists do. And if one looks around the world, Islamists are involved in conflict with their neighbors everywhere. And in all cases, they are the agressor. In Thialand they are attacking Buddhists, beheading schoolgirls. In India they are in conflict with Hindu's. In Africa they are committing genocide on blacks, many of whom are also Muslims. In the Middle East they are in conflict with Israel. Muslim immigrants are causing trouble in Europe, in Holland, Denmark, Sweden, France, Germany, Spain, and Great Britian. People in those countries, and particularly the politicians, are living in denial. They are allowing Muslims to use democratic principals to undermine democracy. The Muslims are unwilling to assimilate into the cultures of the countries to which they emigrate. The liberals in the West are so committed Multiculuralism that they will not force immigrants to assimilate, and do not recognize the peril the Islamists represent. The politicians in Europe and the US think that we will find a way to appease the Muslims. But, they cannot be appeased because their religion does not permit it. They demand that we give up liberal democracy and submit to shar'ia law or they will continue to attack us. It is their choice that they cannot co-exist with us; we have to destroy them or they will destroy us. Our leaders need to convey to all Muslims in the strongest possible terms that we are not going to submit, and that their behavior is unacceptable to us. For example, we will not tolerate their pronouncing death sentences on our citizen's who criticize them.


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