Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Monday, October 29, 2007

Democrats are beating the drum now for socialized medicine. Most people in America do not realize how much better health care is in the US than in other countries, even for people with no health insurance. Here is something I got from Coyote Blog. A British National Health Service spokesman is bragging about how good NHS is in response to a comment that 70,000 Britons sought medical care ouside of Britain last year.

A Department of Health official said the number of patients seeking treatment abroad was a tiny fraction of the 13 million treated on the NHS each year.

Waiting times had fallen. Almost half of patients were treated within 18 weeks of seeing a GP. Most people who had hospital care did not contract infections.

Just think, over half of the people had to wait more than 18 weeks to see a Specialist after reference by a GP. This is a brag by the NHS representative. People in nations with socialized medicine actually think that is good while in America we think it is terible. Hillary and the others do not explain what socialized medicine really means. The claim is that lack of insurance restricts access to healtcare for some people. The solution of Hillary and other socialists is to make life more fair by restricting healthcare for everyone, except elites like members of Congress. For people like me, government control of healthcare will mean less access.


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