Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Friday, November 30, 2007

Greenhouse Gas global warming explains everything that happens. If it gets colder, it is due to GHG induced warming. Consider this blurb from the blog "Climate Audit:"

And despite the headline from ABC that “Global warming puts fish stocks at risk”, the follow up paragraph in that article and a contemporary Daily Telegraph article both reported unprecedented cooling:

Dr Helen McGregor and her research team from MARUM Research Centre Ocean Margins at the University of Bremen in Germany report in the journal Science that climate-induced changes in the ocean have never been more dramatic than in the past three or so decades. Sea surface temperatures in this part of the Atlantic Ocean declined by 1.2ºC during the 20th century, say the researchers.

The seeming conundrum was explained as follows:

“The stronger the greenhouse effect the stronger the cold water pump works - and the cooler the coastal waters off Morocco,” says McGregor.

The article goes on to explain that the increased CO2 level causes more food to grow for the fish, but the upwelling of the cold water may cause a current to great for the fish to swim. Note that this was pure speculation, but ABC accepted it as a risk to fish caused by global warming.

It is pretty much proven that everything that goes wrong, or that might conceivably go wrong, is due to Global Warming. And George Bush is responsible for global warming, since he could have stopped it by signing the Kyoto Treaty, so everything wrong or that could go wrong is Bush's fault. That is obvious to all Democrats, socialists, and Muslims, even if not to us ignorant folk.


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