Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

There are many people who see Islam as an existential threat to the West. Most people do not because of the backward nature of Muslim nations. Others are fearful of the persistence of Islam, the propensity to violence, and willingness of the Muslims to kill themselves just to kill some infidels. Here is a perspective from Europe that is more pessimistic than most in America. The secario outlined in the first part of this article follows the plan that the Muslim Brotherhood devised for taking over the West, and which seems to be in play now. The US is approaching the level of Muslim population where they start demanding special priviliges. For those who do not view Islam as a threat consider what happened after the partition of India and Pakistan. In 1947 about 25% of the population in Pakistan was Hindu and 75% Muslim. Now the population is only 1% Hindu, the rest of the Hindu's have been killed or run out of the country. On the other hand in India only about 3 or 4% were Muslim, but now the percentage is 16%. And those Muslims regularly blow up Hindu's (and other Muslims). This article suggests that we all need to acquire an assault rifle and learn to shoot, because there is a good chance that a civil war is coming. The following sceario does not consider the possibility that a Muslim nation has a nuclear capability and the missiles to deliver them to Europe, something Iran will soon have.

Reading this leads to the realization that the situation is almost out of control because we don't have the will to take action necessary to prevent an Islamic takeover. Time is on their side.


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