Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Sunday, December 09, 2007

It is getting colder here in Pantego today, but the past two days were the hottest on record here for those particular days of the year. This is despite 2007 being perhaps the coldest year of the last two decades. It is hard to tell much about global temperatures by monitoring one locale. The world is having a big debate in Bali about which countries should destroy their economy to reduce their CO2 emissions, despite the fact that the world is getting colder, and no one has proven that atmospheric CO2 blocking radiation from the earth's surface is a primary climate forcer. There are a lot of other activities by man that seem to me to have more effect. And, of course, I have enough experience with large system models to know that the global circulation models used by the IPCC are not reliable. (The IPCC modellers like Kevin Trenberth agree with that, and claims that they do not make predictions, but politicians don't pay attention.) Here is an interview with Roger Pielke, one of the worl's top climate scientists, that pretty closely matches my understanding of the global warming situation.


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