Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Sunday, December 09, 2007

One aspect of the global warming hysteria that should be a warning to the intellectually honest is the refusal of the IPCC to engage in scientific debate with those who disagree with them. Here is a discussion of the way the IPCC resists debate that I got from "American Thinker."

Bali Climate Conference Ignores Dissenters

Rick Moran

Proving once again that the United Nations is disinterested in allowing for a free and open debate on global warming, the climate change conference being held in Bali, Indonesia has refused to give credentials to a prominent group that dissents from the view that global warming is a huge problem and is caused by the works of man:

The United Nations has rejected all attempts by a group of dissenting scientists seeking to present information at the climate change conference taking place in Bali, Indonesia.

The International Climate Science Coalition (ICSC) has been denied the opportunity to present at panel discussions, side events, and exhibits; its members were denied press credentials. The group consists of distinguished scientists from Africa, Australia, India, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

The scientists, citing pivotal evidence on climate change published in peer-reviewed journals, have expressed their opposition to the UN's alarmist theory of anthropogenic global warming. As the debate on man-made global warming has been heating up, the UN has tried to freeze out the scientists and new evidence, summarily dismissing them with the claim "the science is settled."

James M. Taylor, senior fellow for The Heartland Institute explained, "It is not surprising the UN has completely rejected dissenting voices. They have been doing this for years. The censorship of scientists is necessary to promote their political agenda. After the science reversed on the alarmist crowd, they claimed 'the debate is over' to serve their wealth redistribution agenda."
Dr. Vincent Gray, who is an expert reviewer on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's(OPCC) published works, has debunked many of the claims of the IPCC in the past and was part of the ICSC group denied access to the conference.

Just what are the "scientists" at the climate conference afraid of? True scientists welcome open debate about their findings, recognizing that only through constant challenges can their hypothesis withstand the rigor of scholarship and criticism by their peers.

But the fake scientists at the UN conference are more interested in a political agenda than they are discussing the science involved in their findings. For them, the science of global warming is "settled."

With that kind of attitude, scientists from the 15th century would have dismissed Columbus's proposed expedition based on the "settled" science that the earth was flat. The fact is, science is never "settled" and good scientsts would never say such a thing - especially about climate which takes into account several different scientific disciplines and is dealing with a subject that we are still learning about - how earth's climate works. It is beyond rational that any reputable scientist would lend their names to a conference that refuses to follow the most basic rules of scientific inquiry


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