I have written about how Hillary Clinton, based on her public statements, is a fascist. Most people are unaware of what fascists actually are, and fail to recognize that the Roosevelt Administration wanted to be fascist. Roosevelt was thwarted by Republicans and Southern Democrats, and by the Supreme Court. When I was young the Liberals at the time talked about the State taking control of raising all children, much as Hillary Clinton would like to see, based on what she actually says. They also, like Hillary now, wanted to have the state confiscate all wealth when a person dies, so the wealth would not be passed on to children, thus giving all children an even start. (Hillary has recently proposed giving all children $5000 when they are born, to help even things out.) Now we have the Liberals, or Progressives as they are beginning to call themselves, want to ban smoking, ban soft drinks, ban transfats, etc. (These things are happening in the solidly "blue" states such as New York and California.) Here is an article from "American Thinker" on this subject.
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