Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Saturday, February 02, 2008

For those who favor socialised medicine should consider this article about the British NHS by Melanie Phillips:

The propect of some sort of National Healthcare Service in the US freightens me. I have good healthcare, and I worked to get it. Hillary Clinton wants to take it away from me for "the common good." Consider the coronary artery bypass surgery I recently had. I would have been eligible for the surgery in Great Britain only because I never smoked; smokers who are over 70 are out of luck. Of course, in Britain I would have been put on a waiting list rather than having the surgery immediately. That is also a scary prospect, since the doctor's said that in my case "sudden death was imminent." Maybe they were exaggerating, but they did put me to the top of the list, which was three other people. They took care of the others later that afternoon, or the next day. (The waiting list in Arlington was not very long; the profit motive provides a lot of providers, something that will disappear with a government run system.)


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