Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

The global warming true believers say that "the debate is over," so they don't pay much attention to recent temperature trends. They don't need to, since they already know that the world is about to overheat. It might be worthwhile for them to take another look at what is actually happening as compared to what they have decreed will happen. It has been pretty cold this winter in much of the north, with China having the coldest winter in 100 years. From the blog "Junk Science" here is the global temperature for January:

RSS Satellite data for Jan08: 2nd coldest January for the planet in 15 years - Of course we already have had a heads up from all the wire reports around the world talking about the significant winter weather events that have occurred worldwide in the last month, but until now, there hasn’t been a measure of how the planet was doing for the winter of 2007/2008.

Remote Sensing Systems of Santa Rosa just posted the latest MSU (Microwave Sounder Unit) data.

January posted a -.08°C near global anomaly between -70S and 82.5N latitude. That makes it the coldest month since January 2000, and the 2nd coldest January for the planet in 15 years. Both hemispheres posted negative anomalies, which is the first time that has happened since Jan 2000. The United States posted a -.557°C anomaly for January and a -0.196°C anomaly for December. (Watts Up with That?)


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