Today I received the February issue of the Farm Service Agency Farm News. I receive this bulletin because I inherited part of the family farm from my parents, something Hillary Clinton will work to prevent happening in future generations. One article that caught my eye had the headline "Loans for Socially Disadvantaged." The FSA will make guaranteed loans to purchase and operate "family farms" to socially disadvantaged groups, which are women, Blacks or African Americans, American Indians and Alaskan Natives, Hispanics, and Asians and Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders. In other words, anyone but white males. Rousseau-type Romanticists and other collectivists like the idea of putting people on subsistence farms. When I was a boy back in the 1930's I lived on a subsistence farm, and I can tell you it is not a good way to live. Division of labor improves the standard of living for everyone.
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