Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Sunday, February 10, 2008

I have written a lot about my grandfather's dislike for FDR because he thought FDR was a collectivist and wanted to be a Dictator. (He did become, in effect, President for Life.) The Democrat's managed to create the myth that FDR had "saved" capitalism, when, in fact, he did all he could to establish a type of fascism in which the government controlled the entire economy. In the article referenced below FDR is quoted as saying that he was doing the same things as were being done in Russia and by Hitler in Germany, but he is doing them in an orderly manner. The DEmocrats got away from the policies of FDR after WWII, but the current Democrat candidates for President, Obama and Hillary Clinton, want to bring back those policies. (Just as in the case of FDR many leaders of industry are onboard with the fascists because they don't really like competition, and they want to help craft regulations that stop competitors from using disruptive technology to take their market. This is bad for society in the long run, but good for them. This is also why industry leaders are onboard with the "green" movement. They do not know or care whether CO2 generation is a problem, but they do see "rent-seeking" opportunity.) Here is the article about how FDR used the depression to stay in power by creating classes of "victims" who were dependent on the government, an approach still used by Democrats.


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