Romney has thrown in the towel in his campaign for the Republican nomination. His exit speech was excellent, and everyone should read it. Huckabee might as well give it up now. In quitting at this point Romney has torpedoed Huckabee's attempt at the vice-Presidential nomination. I think this is a good move because I don't think McCain and Huckabee is a strong ticket. Now McCain can wait until the convention to select a running mate, which should be an advantage. Republicans need to unify behind McCain.
I don't like McCain, but he is preferable to the socialistic Democrats. Hillary Clinton is probably the easiest Democrat to defeat for several reasons, but mainly because she is frank about her collectivist plans. Obama is a cipher. Most of his speeches are a collection of feel-good homilies so all people can think he is going to solve their particular problem. The limited record shows that Obama is even more to the left than Hillary. (Obama's record is interesting in that he often managed to avoid casting a vote on controversial issues.)
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