Environmentalists often have a hard time living with their goals because, as is usually the case with liberals, they adopt "feel good" policies rather than analyzing the situation to find an optimal solution. Biofuels are an example as illustrated here, from the blog junkscience:
Friends of the Earth 2004
The Government should introduce a Biofuels Obligation, to stimulate a UK biofuels industry - as a lower carbon alternative to conventional transport fuels. The obligation would require that a proportion of all road transport fuels in the UK should be sourced from accredited renewable sources.
Friends of the Earth 2008
Friends of the Earth hopes that the Government will now put the Renewable Transport Fuels Obligation on hold and demand a moratorium on EU biofuel targets. The real solution to Europe's rising transport emissions is better public transport, more provision for cyclists and higher standards for fuel efficiency in new cars
The watermelons have been trying to do as Maurice Strong states:
“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialised civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” — Maurice Strong, head of the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro and Executive Officer for Reform in the Office of the Secretary General of the United Nations.
The term watermelons refers to people who are "green" on the outside and "red" on the inside. This reflects the reality that, after the failure of socialism and communism, the reds jumped into the environmental movement in their continued attempts to destroy capitalism.
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