Congress has been grilling oil company executives again to get them to explain high gasoline prices. (The fact that a world-wide supply of oil of 85 million barrels per day compared to a demand of 87 million barrels per day translates into higher prices eludes congress; they don't understand the law of supply and demand.) The oil company executives blamed congress for actively blocking development of US resources. Maxine Waters revealed her true socialist leanings as she threatened nationalization of the oil companies. She must be feeling good about the prospects of Democrat victories in coming years, because to accomplish that fascist goal it would take Democrat control of the Whitehouse, with large majorities in congress, and enough time to get liberals appointed to the Supreme Court.
Regarding energy, there is some good news, some bad news, and some really bad news. The good news is that there is plenty of energy available, with enough fossil fuel in the US to satisfy demand for several hundred years. The bad news is that it is expensive to get, though not as expensive as oil at current price of oil of $135 per barrel. The really bad news is that Democrats are determined not to allow exploitation of the available supply of fossil fuel, or nuclear energy for that matter. The Democrats have had a long-term goal of forcing the price of energy up to help them discredit free markets and achieve their socialist goals. Sadly, many Republicans, like John McCain, are unwilling to seriously challenge the Democrats in this regard. I wonder how long it will take for the people of America to wake up to what is happening, and to start electing people who will remove the restrictions on development of America's ample supply of energy. This may not happen until it becomes obvious to most rational people that the Al Gore CO2 induced cataclysmic Global Warming hypothesis is invalid. Unfortunately, this may take another 5 or 10 years. We are in for hard times for the next 4 years given the poor quality of the three candidates we have for President this year. The energy policies of all three are going to fail, and the party of the winner will probably be trounced in 2012 if he implements the policies being expounded in the campaign.
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