Mark Steyn suggests that we sue Congress over the price of gasoline. I suspect that would not be legal. What we need to do is throw the rascals out. But, socialists like Maxine Water have secure seats, no matter how nutty they are. Here is a piece from Betsy's Page:
Why not sue Congress?
Mark Steyn has some fun with the Congressional interrogation of oil executives. You know - those hearings where Maxine Waters told us about her desire to socialize the oil industry. Congress is passing a bill that would allow us to sue OPEC nations for restricting the supply of oil.
Er, OK. But, before we start suing distant sheikhs in exotic lands for violating the NOPEC act, why don't we start by suing Congress? After all, who "limits the production or distribution of oil" right here in the United States by declaring that there'll be no drilling in the Gulf of Florida or the Arctic National Mosquito Refuge? As Rep. Wasserman Schultz herself told Neil Cavuto on Fox News, "We can't drill our way out of this problem."
Well, maybe not. But maybe we could drill our way back to $3.25 a gallon. More to the point, if the House of Representatives has now declared it "illegal" for the government of Saudi Arabia to restrict oil production, why is it still legal for the government of the United States to restrict oil production? In fact, the government of the United States restricts pretty much every form of energy production other than the bizarre fetish du jour of federally mandated ethanol production.
Nuclear energy?
Whoa, no, remember Three Mile Island? (OK, nobody does, but kids and anyone under late middle age, you can look it up in your grandparents' school books.)
Whoa, no, man, there go our carbon credits.
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