Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Thursday, June 19, 2008

It is amazing to me that the AGW "true believers" think they can project what will happen 100 to 200 years into the future, not only with respect to climate, but also with regards to economics. Does anyone think that the wise men of the 1790's could have predicted what the current world would be like? It is pretty arrogant of our current politicians to think they can visualize the world of the future. The climate projections are speculative at best, but the economic are ludicrous. Here is an article by an economist who points out that climate change skeptics should be taken seriously, if no other reason than that history has shown that the environmental and economic doomsayers are always been wrong. The article also points out that the IPCC is flawed because skeptics are not allowed to participate, and that those calling for the draconian action are invested in that action.


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