It is a curious fact that today ever unusual climatic event is attributed to global warming. Today while I was working out at cardiac rehab I saw a segment on Fox News about how global warming is reducing the amount of oxygen in the Pacific Ocean. No scientific information was given. It was just asserted that ocean temperatures are increasing, and that this causes the amount of oxygen in the ocean to decline. This leaves me with some serious questions that I would like to have answered. Since the Argos sea buoys were deployed there has been no increase in ocean water temperature, and, in fact, the data indicate a slight decrease that the warmists insist is just a problem with the data since they know that temperatures must increase. In any event, if temperature has not gone up a perceptible amount, how can temperature increase have caused a decline in absorbed oxygen? The Gulf of Mexico gets quite warm in the summer, but it doesn't seem to affect the aquatic life. Is the warming of the water different in the Pacific and the Gulf of Mexico? It seems to me that this story is just another example of media hype in which whatever happens in nature is attributed to global warming.
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