Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Monday, June 16, 2008

The IPCC is a fundamentally corrupt agency of the fundamentally corrupt UN. Maurice Strong, a rich Canadian fascist, wants to destroy the standard of living of the West. He has stated that the industrialized civilization must be destroyed to save the planet. Under Strong's direction the IPCC was set up with the mission of establishing that man, through CO2 emissions, is responsible for a global warming that will lead to catastrophe for the earth. The IPCC is not interested in determining whether or not global warming is happening (there hasn't been any for the last 10 years) or, if it is happening, if there are natural causes. The IPCC uses scientists who are appointed by governments, so by nature are not impartial, and uses a flawed scientific methodology which ignores those who have other ideas. They also issue reports reputed to be scientifically rigorous that are edited by politicians who make certain the report stays on message. The IPCC uses climate models and economic models that have not been validated, and which clearly have not accurately predicted the current climate. Here is a detailed report on the flaws of the IPCC AGW hypothesis (from Greenie Watch):

Here is a discussion of the flaws in the economic models of the ecosocialists that claim to show that stopping use of fossil fuels will have no effect on the standard of living of the USA and Western Europe (also from Greenie Watch):


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