Location: Pantego, Texas, United States

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Today I heard a fragment of an Obama comment on the price of gasoline. He said something to the effect that he expected the price of gasoline to go up a lot, but he didn't expect it to happen so rapidly. Raising the price of gasoline has long been the long range goal of the Democrats, as they engage in all means possible to prevent drilling for more oil in America. That is why it was hypocritical of them to run for Congress in 2006 on the platform of reducing the price of gasoline. As history shows, they were no more serious about that than they were regarding the other plank in their platform; that was leaving Iraq immediately. Here is a comment on gasoline price from the blog "Powerline:"

The soaring price of gasoline represents a golden opportunity for the Republican Party. While most of them don't say it out loud, the Democrats have long wanted higher gas prices as part of their desire to remake America into a land of granola, mass transit and windmills. Most Americans, however, don't share the Democrats' indifference to economic decline and would turn out in droves to vote for a party that pledges to get the economy going again, and relieve the pain at the pump, by drilling for oil.


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